The last day of RIPE 76 saw 737 attendees checked in with a total of 778 registered, making it by far our biggest meeting yet!
Friday Programme Highlights:
- A look at how the RIPE NCC helps to support network operator groups (NOGs) across its service region, followed by talks from several NOG representatives
- A discussion on the development of a process for selecting future RIPE Chairs
- A new state of the art method for detecting DDoS attacks by using traffic snapshots
- An update from the RIPE Meeting technical team covering new APs, new methods for graphing network usage at the meeting and one server lost to the rain!
- The closing remarks from the RIPE Chair thanking attendees for making their way to RIPE 76, and a special thank you to the WG co-Chairs, the PC, and of course, the stenographers.
Meeting Statistics:
- 737 attendees checked in
- 200 first-time attendees
- RIPE Networking App (totals for the week): 391 participants; 890 messages; 1383 meetings!
- Attendees from 57 countries
RIPE Working Group co-Chair Changes
- Address Policy WG: Erik Bais will replace Sander Steffann
- Connect WG: Will van Gulik joins Remco and Florence
RIPE Programme Committee Changes
- No change for the PC this RIPE Meeting: Ondřej Surý and Peter Hessler were both re-elected
The 2018 Rob Blokzijl Award winner was announced at the RIPE Dinner on Thursday night. Congratulations to Wilfried Woeber, who was awarded for his substantial contributions to the development of the Internet in the RIPE NCC service region.
Our favourite tweets: